Let’s Learn Colors in English

by | Last updated Dec 27, 2023 | English Learning

Interested in mastering English color names or aiding your child in learning them? Let our article be your guide.

Do you have a preference for art or the scientific aspects of colors? Are you aspiring to become a professional designer? Alternatively, are you interested in learning the names of colors in English or assisting your child in acquiring these words? Allow us to assist you in this endeavor.

This time, we’ve curated an extensive infographic for you. It not only includes the fundamental colors in English but also features numerous variations and shades of these colors.

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Basic color names in English

  • Turquoise [tɜːrkwɔɪz]
  • Olive [ɑːlɪv]
  • Crimson [ˈkrɪmzn]
  • Ivory [aɪvəri]
  • Lavender [lævəndər]
  • Maroon [məˈruːn]
  • Black [blæk]
  • White [waɪt]
  • Blue [bluː]
  • Purple [pɜːrpl]
  • Grey [ɡreɪ]
  • Brown [braʊn]
  • Beige [beɪʒ]
  • Gold [ɡoʊld]
  • Silver [sɪlvər]
  • Navy [neɪvi]
  • Mint [mɪnt]
  • Red [red]
  • Yellow [jeloʊ]
  • Orange [ɔːrɪndʒ]
  • Pink [pɪŋk]
  • Green [ɡriːn]

Incidentally, here’s a handy tip: you can incorporate terms like dark-, light-, or pale- with any color name. This enables you to describe various shades without the need to learn specific names for each.

Have you watched Quentin Tarantino’s film, “Reservoir Dogs”? If you have, you might recall that each of the primary characters is designated with a color-based name such as Mr. Pink, Mr. Brown, and so on. Let’s examine a scene from the movie with the original dialogue, and try to discern the rationale behind each character’s name.

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To familiarize your child with fundamental color names in English, employ visual aids such as cards featuring colored circles—a useful tool. Additionally, consider showing your child videos with catchy songs to help them remember the names of colors in English.

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