English Words Borrowed From Other Languages

by | Last updated Jan 20, 2024 | English Learning

English exhibits significant diversity in its vocabulary, drawing words from various languages.Explore the article to enhance your knowledge of these borrowed words in English!

English boasts a rich diversity in vocabulary, incorporating a variety of terms borrowed from languages worldwide. In this article, I aim to explore nine fascinating words that have been assimilated into the English language from various global languages.



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  •      Aardvark

This uncommon term denotes an “African anteater.”

To escape the intense heat of the African sun, the anteater digs into the ground. Therefore, it is not unexpected that its name originates from the Danish phrase “earthen pig.” In Danish, the words are ‘aard’ (land) and ‘vark’ (pig).

  •      Hazard

During the Middle Ages, the activity of gambling was referred to as “hasar.” This term, derived from Old French, underwent a transformation in meaning, evolving into a more abstract concept denoting “occurrences in life.” The British later adapted it to signify “risk” and “danger.”

  •      Tycoon

While in Japanese, this term signifies “great prince” or “commander-in-chief,” in English, it has adopted the connotation of a highly affluent and influential individual, akin to an “industrial tycoon.”

Doesn’t sound unfavorable, does it?

  •      Tarantula

The Italian term “tarantolo” translates to “from Taranto,” alluding to a city in northern Italy known for the presence of wolf spiders (specifically, spiders from the Entelegynae subgroup of araneomorph spiders). English speakers have since adopted the term and refer to these spiders as tarantulas.

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