Weather Idioms in English

by | Last updated Dec 8, 2023 | English Learning

Discussing the weather is a common topic, and there are several English idioms related to it. Here are weather idioms to learn!

Engaging in weather-related conversations is universal, making it a great way to enhance your language skills and connect with people. That’s why there is an abundance of English expressions related to the weather.

Today, we’ll delve into weather discussions and explore eight English idioms incorporating weather-related expressions. Examples of how these idioms are used will be provided. While some of these weather idioms are more prevalent in American English than British, they are still employed in both, adding vibrancy and variety to your English language proficiency.

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A tempest in a teapot

This expression indicates that someone is overly exaggerating the gravity of a situation or problem.


– Marcus is blowing things out of proportion. They will be okay there.
– The reports in the media about the politician’s drunken behavior are much ado about nothing.

 A bolt from the blue

When something occurs entirely unexpectedly, it is described as “a bolt from the blue.”


– His arrival was entirely unexpected, like a bolt from the blue.
– I didn’t anticipate getting promoted this month. It was a complete surprise!

Raindrop in the drought

This idiom is employed to depict a situation where a person anticipates or desires something that is improbable.


– For many people, securing a job these days is akin to waiting for a raindrop in the drought.
– She was very ill, and we were hoping for a raindrop in the drought.

Come rain or shine

This expression signifies “regardless of any circumstances” or “whatever happens.” It implies that nothing will prevent a particular event from occurring or someone from taking a certain action. It can also suggest a consistent routine or commitment, even in unpredictable situations.


– He goes to the gym every day, come rain or shine.
– We’ll have the picnic on Sunday, come rain or shine.


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Get wind of

This idiom signifies hearing or learning about something, often without all the details, and it may pertain to personal or private information.


– The chairman didn’t want the press to catch wind of the takeover before the agreement was signed.
– I heard about Glen’s divorce at the party last Sunday; I got wind of it.

Another intriguing weather-related idiom is “throw caution to the wind,” which means to act recklessly.

 Take a rain check

This expression is employed to depict a situation where you decline or reject an invitation to do something but suggest doing it at a later time.


– Thanks for inviting me to dinner, but I can’t make it this week. Can I take a rain check?
– I truly appreciate the game invitation, but I can’t make it. I’ll take a rain check. Perhaps we can plan it for next month.

Someone who consistently takes a rain check could be referred to as a “fair-weather friend,” indicating a friend who is not around during challenging times.

8. Under the weather

The final idiom in our collection means to be unwell or to be experiencing sickness, but it is not typically used to describe a severe illness or disease.


– Would it be okay if I don’t come to work today? I’m feeling a little under the weather. I suspect I might have the flu.
– I heard you were sick yesterday. Are you feeling better now, or are you still under the weather?

The opposite of feeling under the weather is being on “cloud nine,” signifying a state of feeling great or elated.

I believe the provided examples demonstrating the usage of these idioms will aid in your recall.

You’ll likely remember them even more effectively if you come up with your own examples for each idiom.

Best of luck!

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