C2 English Level (Proficient)

by | Last updated Aug 22, 2023 | English Learning

C2 Proficient

The sixth and last level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a list of various language proficiency levels created by the Council of Europe, is English level C2. This proficiency level could be described as “bilingual” in ordinary speech, as in “I speak both French and English fluently.” Technically, a native English speaker with a good education is at a C2 level. Because it is not necessary for their academic or professional aims, relatively few English learners achieve this level.

What is your English level?

Find out your A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 level of English with our quick, free online test.

What can someone with an English C2 level do?

English at the C2 level is equivalent to native English. It enables diverse expression of feelings and thoughts, reading and writing of any kind on any topic, and active engagement in any academic or professional context.

A person with English language proficiency at the C2 level would:

  1. can easily understand almost everything heard or read.
  2. may reassemble arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation using information from various spoken and written sources.
  3. can speak clearly, effectively, and flexibly while distinguishing subtler shades of meaning even in the most difficult settings.

Details of C2 level English proficiency

For instructional purposes, the official can-do statements are divided into smaller sections. You can evaluate your own English proficiency using this more thorough skill breakdown, or a teacher can use it to evaluate a student’s proficiency.

A student at level C2 in English, for instance, will be able to perform all that a student at level C1 can do in addition to:

  • talk about topics in science and technology, such as robots and recent inventions.
  • discuss celebrities, celebrity action, and celebrity rumors.
  • Use a range of strategies to encourage originality in your writing and speaking.
  • Talk about financial planning, and provide clear guidance on personal finance.
  • Discuss your own and your friends’ and coworkers’ stress levels.
  • explore methods for conducting research on a variety of subjects.

What is your English level?

Find out your A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 level of English with our quick, free online test.

International English Test
International English Test

International English Test – 01.10.2023 – 01.12.2023

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