20+ Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interviews

by | Last updated Aug 31, 2024 | Career Advice

“What are your strengths and weaknesses?” is a common interview question that most of us have been asked or will be asked at some point. ”.

In the next article, you’ll find a list of your strengths and weaknesses that will help you stand out at a job interview, as well as the best answers that will impress the interviewer.

In 2024, effectively discussing your strengths and weaknesses during a job interview is crucial for making a positive impression on potential employers. Knowing how to present your strengths confidently while acknowledging and addressing your weaknesses can demonstrate self-awareness and a willingness to grow. To help you prepare, we’ve compiled a list of 20+ strengths and weaknesses that are commonly discussed in interviews. This guide will provide you with examples and tips on how to frame your answers in a way that highlights your capabilities while showing that you’re proactive in improving any areas of weakness.

strengths and weaknesses 1

First, we’ll start with the Strengths.

During the interview, the hiring manager will probably ask you at some point to describe your strengths. There are probably a lot of candidates who don’t know how to answer the question “What are your strengths?” without sounding too narcissistic.

You want your answer to show that you are self-aware and professional.

You should be ready for this question and have something to say. Even if this question isn’t asked, you’ll know what your strengths are and what you can bring to the job.

This will help you talk about your strengths in a clear way and use them in other parts of the interview.

When asked this question, having a story ready to tell will help you stand out from the other people interviewing for the job.

Instead of just saying, “I’m detail-oriented and hard-working,” or listing your strengths, you can come up with a compelling way to tell your story and show what you can bring to the job.

When you answer this question, you will need to be very clear. Think about what you think are your best qualities or ask a friend to help you figure out what you’re good at.

Make sure to list a variety of strengths, such as knowledge-based skills, transferable skills, soft skills, and personal traits, to show that you can do a lot of different things.

List of Strengths

  • Creativity
  • Versatility
  • Flexibility
  • Focused
  • Taking Initiative
  • Honesty
  • Dedication
  • Integrity
  • Continuous Learning
  • Self-control

Even the most experienced candidates can find it hard to answer the question “What are your strengths?” We’ve put together a list of examples to help you come up with your own story. You can use each of these examples of key strengths to help you come up with a good reason why the hiring manager should choose you.

Examples: How to answer what are your strengths? 

#1) Whenever new software comes out, I’m always the first person to try it out and learn how it works. I like being on the cutting edge and learning everything there is to know about new software. In fact, I found a software problem with one of my video games just last week. When I told the developer about the problem, they fixed it right away. This job will give me the chance to do what I’m passionate about and help your company improve its programs.

#2) I’ve always liked working in groups, and I think one of my best qualities is that I’m good at working with other people. When I was in charge of a project, I was good at getting people from different backgrounds to work together to reach the project’s goals. In fact, I’ve been able to increase productivity by 10% over the past two years.

#3) My writing skills are my best trait. I’m good at working when I’m rushed, and I’ve never missed a deadline. One time in particular that comes to mind is when a coworker forgot about a project and asked me to finish it. This didn’t come to my editor’s attention until two hours before the deadline. It was an important piece, so I got to work. I worked quickly and carefully to finish the piece. Not only was it done on time, but people who read the publication liked it a lot.

#4) I’ve only been in the finance business for a short time, but I’m good with numbers and really enjoy it. I enjoy helping people save money and finding new ways for my clients to invest their money. I love getting to know my clients’ needs and finding ways to help them live the way they want. I’ve helped my clients collectively increase their net worth by 10%.

#5) I’m good at getting along with people and understanding what they need because I care about them. During my internship over the summer, I was working the support line. A customer who had been dropped from our service called and was upset. Even though the company couldn’t help her, I showed her what other options she might have so she could have a good experience with the company. I know how important it is to have happy customers, and I’m willing to stay positive and look for ways to help.

#6. I think my best quality is that I can solve problems quickly and effectively. I can look at any situation from different points of view, which makes me the best person to do my job, even when things are hard. I’m a better communicator because I know how to solve problems. I’m just as comfortable talking to senior executives as I am with junior team members. I think I will be a great asset to the team because I can see all sides of a problem.

#7) I know everything about the business. After working in sales and marketing for more than 15 years, I know I have the skills to make the most of your marketing dollars and improve your bottom line. In fact, when I started working at my last company, sales were going down. I was able to turn that around and increase sales the next two years by 7% and 5%, respectively.

#8. My work ethic and willingness to help out when they need it are my best qualities. I’m not afraid to take on a hard client or a project that nobody else wants because those are the ones that teach me the most. I usually like to go above and beyond what is expected of me and do whatever is asked of me. I don’t think I’m better than any job, and I’m very proud of my ability to step in and change to get the best results for the company.

As you can see, if you can tell a story with your answer, you’ll have an edge over the other people. The better you can talk about your biggest strengths and give examples, the better your job search will go.

If you don’t know how to find your strengths, you can ask a close friend or former coworker for help or look at feedback from past performance reviews. Once you know what your strengths are, it will be easy to come up with stories and examples to back them up.


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2. Part – Weaknesses


As you already know, you will be asked some tough questions during the interview process. You should now have a good answer to the question “What are your strengths?” but what do you say when someone asks you to describe your biggest flaws?

After all, you’ll look conceited if you say you don’t have any flaws, but if you say too many bad things, you might hurt your chances of getting a job.

You should seem humble and willing to learn, but you shouldn’t scare off the hiring manager with a huge flaw you can’t fix.

For a job interview to go well, you need to be ready and know what to say. When thinking about your weaknesses, it’s important to pick things you’re actively working on or steps you’re taking to turn that weakness into a strength.

Your case will be stronger if you tell a relevant story or explain how you are working to fix this weakness.

If you don’t know how to find your weaknesses, ask a close friend or coworker to help you figure out what you could do better. Always keep in mind that weaknesses don’t last forever and that having a few doesn’t mean you’re doomed.

You show that you are a well-rounded candidate if you can see where you could improve.

List of Weaknesses

  • Self-criticism
  • Insecure
  • Extremely Introverted
  • Extremely Extroverted
  • Creative Writing
  • Too detail oriented
  • Financial Literacy
  • A Particular Software
  • Too sensitive
  • Presentation Skills

Your job search will go better if you know how to answer the question “What are your weaknesses?” If you don’t know what to say in response to this question, here are some ideas to help you. Read them and think about how you can use the structure in your own work.

Examples: How to answer what are your weaknesses?

1) I tend to judge myself too harshly. Even if people liked what I did, I can’t help but feel like I could have done more every time I finish a project. This often makes me work too much, which makes me feel worn out. In the past few years, I’ve tried to take the time to look at my accomplishments with an open mind and celebrate my wins. This has not only helped me do better work and feel more confident, but it has also made me appreciate my team and other people who are always there for me.

#2) I’m very shy, so I’m not sure if I should share my ideas in a group or speak up during team meetings. I think I meant well, but I wasn’t always confident enough to speak up. After my team fell short on two projects in a row, I decided to make some changes to get better at sharing my ideas for the good of my team. I took improv classes in my area and started trying to feel more comfortable talking about my ideas. Even though I’m still working on it, I’ve gotten a lot better at it over the past year.

#3) I usually want to do whole projects on my own, without help from anyone else. In the past, this made me feel pressured and stressed out for no reason. Last year, I was in charge of planning our annual event, which is a good example. I tried to take care of everything on my own, from big things like choosing the venue to small things like setting up the table settings. I was so stressed out before the event, and I just barely made it through. This taught me to take a step back and figure out why I need help before I ask for it. After what happened, I’m trying to teach myself how to ask for help so I can keep my mind. I’ve also learned that a group of people can do a better job than a single person.

#4) I don’t know how to use the most recent version of the software you use. I’ve been spending my time lately making sure users have a good time, and I’ve always been open to learning new things. Throughout my career, software has always changed, and I’ve always been willing to adapt to new technology. I will spend the time needed to learn how to use this new software.

5) In both my personal and professional life, I always try to avoid conflict. To keep the peace, I sometimes had to give up on the quality of my work or what I needed to finish a project. When I became a manager, this became a real problem. Telling people what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear is one of the most important parts of managing them. I was aware of this weakness and had been working hard to make sure my opinions were constructive and helpful for the team.

#6) When I’m given a task, I work hard to finish it because I’m very goal-oriented. But when I get new projects, I sometimes jump right into them and stop working on the ones I was already working on. Having to switch between tasks so often during the day slows me down and makes it hard for me to do my best work. I’ve been using a tool for project management to help me keep track of my tasks and time, which has made me more aware of how to set priorities. Since I started to think this way about project management, I have only gotten more efficient and productive.

The better you can talk about your biggest weaknesses and give examples of how you are trying to fix them, the better you will do in your job search.

You MUST ALWAYS show how you can turn a weakness into a strength. If you don’t know how to find your weaknesses, you can ask a close friend or former coworker for help or look at feedback from past performance reviews. Once you know what your weaknesses are, you’ll find the right stories and examples.


Practice, practice, practice. One of the most important things you can do before your interview is to practice. If you don’t know your examples and stories well, you might forget them or sound fake. With enough practice, you’ll be able to give a great answer to “What are your strengths?” or “What are your biggest weaknesses?” and impress the hiring manager.

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Nilay Ozdemir

I am Nilay, an experienced English Language Assessment Director at the International English Test, where I have been working full-time since February 2020. I specialize in helping people worldwide validate their English proficiency through comprehensive assessments and certifications.

Before joining the International English Test, I worked as a self-employed English Language Assessment Consultant from January 2015 to December 2019. During this time, I assisted companies and individuals in improving their language skills, helping them achieve their academic and professional goals.

I hold a degree in Engineering and have also studied at Shafston International College in Australia. My educational background has equipped me with the tools to make a meaningful impact in the field of English language learning. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my expertise through articles that explore effective teaching methods and language assessment strategies, contributing to the International English Test and the broader assessment community.

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