Expressions in English with the Verbs Pay and Keep

by | Last updated Jan 10, 2024 | English Learning

Mastering idioms involving “keep” and “pay” can boost your daily English usage, expanding your language skills. Start incorporating them into your conversations now for quick improvement.

The English language consists of a vast number of words, and frequently, words are combined into phrases known as collocations. This article will introduce you to specific phrases in English that involve the words “pay” and “keep.”

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The Most Common Expressions with the Verb KEEP

The verb KEEP in English has a broader range of meanings compared to the word PAY. Therefore, understanding the specific context when it is used with other words is crucial. Failing to do so may lead to confusion and errors in both spoken and written communication.

Here are some instances of fixed expressions with the word KEEP:

  •         Keep a secret –
  •         Keep in touch –
  •         Keep a promise –
  •         Keep the change –
  •         Keep an appointment –
  •        Keep calm –
  •         Keep quiet –
  •         Keep control –
  •         Keep a diary –

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Popular Phrases with the Verb PAY

The English term PAY encompasses various meanings, mostly revolving around the exchange of money for goods or services. However, there are instances where a specific phrase with this verb takes on an entirely different meaning.

For example:

  •         Pay cash –
  •         Pay the bill –
  •         Pay with a credit card –
  •         Pay someone a visit –
  •         Pay someone a compliment –
  •         Pay attention –
  •         Pay the price –
  •         Pay a fine –

By the way, are you familiar with the origin of the well-known contemporary phrase “Keep calm and carry on”?

Interestingly, it originated as a British expression featured on a propaganda poster in 1939 during the early days of the Second World War. Nowadays, with the expiration of licensing rights for this slogan, the phrase “Keep calm and…” has gained popularity on the Internet.

Feel free to replace the ellipsis with your own phrases, such as “Keep calm and learn English!”—it fits perfectly, doesn’t it?

That concludes today’s information.

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