English Levels

by | Last updated Aug 22, 2023 | English Learning

CEFR stands for the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It is a widely recognized framework used to describe the proficiency levels of language learners in different languages. The framework was developed by the Council of Europe and provides a common basis for language learning and teaching across Europe.

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English CEFR levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

All contemporary English language books and schools use the CEFR English levels. In curriculum vitae, CVs, Europass CVs, and other English level references, it is advised to use CEFR levels.

Here, we provide a list of the CEFR descriptors for language proficiency levels along with their approximations for other English language evaluation systems used internationally, including Cambridge ESOL, Canadian Language Benchmarks/Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CLB/CELPIP), Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL), BULATS, IELTS, and TOEFL.


  • English Basic User (A1, A2)
    • A1 (Beginner)
    • A2 (Elementary English)
  • English Independent User (B1, B2)
    • B1 (Intermediate English)
    • B2 (Upper-Intermediate English)
  • Proficient English User (C1, C2)
    • C1 (Advanced English)
    • C2 (Proficiency English)
a1 beginner

A1 – Beginner English Level

English level A1 is the first level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level would be called “beginner”, and indeed, that is the official level descriptor in the CEFR. In practice it is possible to be at a pre-A1 level of English. A student who is just beginning to learn English, or who has no prior knowledge of English, is at a pre-A1 level.

a2 elemantary level

A2 – Elementary English Level

English level A2 is the second level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level might be described as “basic” as in “I speak basic English”. The official level descriptor in the CEFR is “elementary”, which means the same thing: it is the foundation. At this level, students have mastered the basics of English and can communicate simple, basic needs.

b1 intermediate level

B1 – Intermediate English Level

English level B1 is the third level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level would be called “intermediate”, and indeed, that is the official level descriptor in the CEFR. At this level, students are beyond the basics but they are still not able to work or study exclusively in English.

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b2 upper intermediate level

B2 – Upper-Intermediate Level

English level B2 is the fourth level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level might be called “confident”, as in “I am a confident English speaker”. The official level descriptor is “upper intermediate”. At this level, students can function independently in a variety of academic and professional environments in English, although with a limited range of nuance and precision.

c1 advanced level

C1 – Advanced English Level

English level C1 is the fifth level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level might be called “advanced”, and that is the official level descriptor for this level. At this level, students can function independently and with a great deal of precision on a wide variety of subjects and in almost any setting without any prior preparation.

c2 proficient level

C2 – Proficient English Level

English level C2 is the sixth and final level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level might be called “bilingual”, as in “I am bilingual in English and French.” A well-educated native English speaker is technically at a C2 level. Relatively few English learners reach this level because their professional or academic goals do not require it.

Language proficiency levels

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is one of the most widely used frameworks for language proficiency levels, and it includes six main levels:

  1. A1 (Beginner): Basic language skills, able to understand and use simple expressions related to everyday life.
  2. A2 (Elementary): Can handle straightforward communication in familiar situations and express simple ideas.
  3. B1 (Intermediate): Competent in everyday interactions and can deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling or living in a foreign country.
  4. B2 (Upper Intermediate): Can communicate with a degree of fluency and spontaneity, and understand more complex texts on familiar topics.
  5. C1 (Advanced): Proficient in a wide range of demanding tasks, understand complex texts, and express ideas with clarity and precision.
  6. C2 (Proficient): Near-native or native-level fluency, able to understand and produce almost any type of language, including idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms.

FAQ: English Levels

What is English level?

The term “English level” typically refers to a person’s proficiency or skill level in the English language. English proficiency levels are commonly categorized using frameworks like the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or other language proficiency scales.

The CEFR divides English proficiency into six main levels: Beginner (A1, A2), Intermediate (B1 B2), ADvanced (C1 C2).

What is A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2?

Language proficiency levels A1-C2 refer to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). They are;
  • A1 – Beginner
  • A2 – Elementary
  • B1 – Intermediate
  • B2 – Upper-Indermediate
  • C1 – Advanced
  • C2 – Proficient


What is your English level?

Find out your A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 level of English with our online test and receive your English certificate.

Nilay Ozdemir

I am Nilay, an experienced English Language Assessment Director at the International English Test, where I have been working full-time since February 2020. I specialize in helping people worldwide validate their English proficiency through comprehensive assessments and certifications.

Before joining the International English Test, I worked as a self-employed English Language Assessment Consultant from January 2015 to December 2019. During this time, I assisted companies and individuals in improving their language skills, helping them achieve their academic and professional goals.

I hold a degree in Engineering and have also studied at Shafston International College in Australia. My educational background has equipped me with the tools to make a meaningful impact in the field of English language learning. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my expertise through articles that explore effective teaching methods and language assessment strategies, contributing to the International English Test and the broader assessment community.

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