Explore time idioms in this article and incorporate them into your sentences.
Today, I present idioms in the English language centered around the concept of time. Considering time’s significance in our contemporary world, mastering idioms can prove valuable in conversations, particularly for those learning English as a second language. This compilation includes common idioms about time, accompanied by example sentences to illustrate their usage.
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Interesting Time Idioms in the English Language
Let’s get started!
1. Better late than never
This idiom is among the most commonly used in the English language.
Example: The report is significantly delayed, but it’s better to arrive late than never.
A couple of analogous idioms include “just in the nick of time,” signifying something happening right before it’s too late, and “beat the clock,” indicating completing something just before a deadline.
2. On the spur of the moment
This idiom signifies engaging in an activity impulsively, possibly acting on a sudden emotion or inspiration.
Example: Linda and Louis decided to go to the beach spontaneously.
3. Once in a blue moon
This idiom characterizes something that occurs exceptionally infrequently, almost never.
Example: Mary and James, who prefer staying at home, go out only once in a blue moon.
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4. All in good time
This expression is employed to convey that something will happen eventually, at some point in the future, given enough time.
Example: Rachel was concerned about being single for a long time, but her mother reassured her that she would find the right person and get married—all in due time.
5. Big time
This idiom signifies the pinnacle or most successful point in a career, particularly in entertainment. It can also denote on a significant scale or to a considerable extent.
Example: Upon securing the role of vice president, he realized he had achieved great success, reaching the big time.
6. The time is ripe
This expression conveys that the opportune moment has arrived to undertake a particular action.
Example: Raphael had harbored a long-time desire to travel abroad, and the time had finally come to fulfill it.
7. Have the time of your life
To experience immense joy
Genevieve had an incredible time exploring Italy.
8. Time is money
This renowned saying is credited to Benjamin Franklin and is frequently associated with business and employment.
Example: Making the most of every minute is prudent because, as the saying goes, time is money.
That’s all for now. I’m confident these expressions will prove helpful in your conversations. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.

9. Living on borrowed time
Employed to express that someone has defied expectations by continuing to survive, with the suggestion that this may not last much longer.
Example: Following a severe heart attack, Jim sensed that he was living on borrowed time.
10. In the interim
A helpful phrase denoting a time interval, indicating “meanwhile” or “in between.”
Example: The boss is expected to return next week. In the interim, the employees will be busy stocking shelves and cleaning.
11. In broad daylight
You frequently encounter this expression in movies or books. It signifies that something occurs during the daytime, in public, and is surprising or unexpected due to these circumstances.
Example: Two coyotes brazenly walked across the lawn in broad daylight.
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I am Nilay, an experienced English Language Assessment Director at the International English Test, where I have been working full-time since February 2020. I specialize in helping people worldwide validate their English proficiency through comprehensive assessments and certifications.
Before joining the International English Test, I worked as a self-employed English Language Assessment Consultant from January 2015 to December 2019. During this time, I assisted companies and individuals in improving their language skills, helping them achieve their academic and professional goals.
I hold a degree in Engineering and have also studied at Shafston International College in Australia. My educational background has equipped me with the tools to make a meaningful impact in the field of English language learning. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my expertise through articles that explore effective teaching methods and language assessment strategies, contributing to the International English Test and the broader assessment community.