English Exercises to Improve Yours Skills

by | Last updated Oct 24, 2023 | English Learning

Do you aspire to achieve English proficiency comparable to that of a native speaker? We have the key ingredient – practice, practice, practice.

When children embark on the journey of learning their native language, their initial focus is on listening. Subsequently, they progress to speaking, reading, and, ultimately, writing. To elevate your level of English proficiency, it’s essential to consistently hone these four fundamental language skills: listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Discover our array of online resources designed to facilitate your learning in all these English skills.

The question remains, how can you make this a regular part of your routine? The answer lies in integrating English into your daily life. This can be achieved by enrolling in an online English course or simply by incorporating the speaking exercises featured in this article into your daily regimen.

We’ve assembled a collection of top-notch English speaking exercises to assist you in your daily study and enhance your skills at your convenience, anytime, anywhere. Let’s delve into them!

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English speaking exercises

Are you eager to begin enhancing your English speaking abilities immediately? There are numerous methods you can experiment with, and some of them include the following.

Join English speaking clubs or voice chats

Engaging in English conversation practice stands as the most effective approach to grasp the language. Conversations not only offer you the essential speaking practice but also enhance your listening skills concurrently. Immerse yourself in a community of individuals who share your enthusiasm for practicing, whether through games, shared meals, or casual discussions. Utilize Google and social media groups to discover speaking clubs in your locality or groups dedicated to your specific areas of interest, such as business English.

If you’re unable to locate a consistent conversation partner, there’s a solution! You can readily discover someone to converse with through a language exchange application. Technological advancements enable you to engage in conversations with individuals situated even hundreds of kilometers apart. Simply install the app, select your desired conversation partner, and commence chatting via audio messages.

Use a mirror and focus on fluency

Allocate a few minutes daily to stand in front of a mirror and engage in speaking practice. Select a topic of personal interest, set a timer for 3 minutes, and engage in a discussion with your imaginary study partner. The primary objective of this speaking exercise is to scrutinize your speech patterns, emphasize pronunciation, and acquire the ability to articulate your thoughts in English fluently, without interruptions or pauses during your speech.

Furthermore, this exercise serves as an opportunity to identify recurring errors in your speech and make a record of them. If you encounter a word you’re unfamiliar with, make an effort to describe it using different words. This skill is invaluable since you won’t be familiar with every word in the English language. Initially, your sentences may not exhibit grammatical perfection, but that’s entirely acceptable. The crucial aspect is to make an effort to avoid interruptions in your speech.

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Practice English pronunciation exercises

When embarking on the journey of learning a new language, one of the initial steps you should take is dedicated to the study of pronunciation. This is because it’s considerably more manageable to establish correct pronunciation from the start than to rectify it later. It’s a principle emphasized by the renowned polyglot Gabriel Wyner in his book “Fluent Forever,” where he underscores that pronunciation should be the primary area of focus.

A highly effective exercise for refining your pronunciation involves the practice of recording yourself. While it might seem somewhat amusing, this practice serves the purpose of helping you identify your areas of weakness. Pay meticulous attention to your usage of intonation, rhythm, and stress in your sentences. You can even enhance your skills using a tool such as YouGlish, which allows you to listen to the pronunciation of English words in various accents.

Reading exercises

Reading is a highly effective means of acquiring new vocabulary that can be applied in your English conversations. Here are some activities designed to enhance your speaking skills through reading.

Make special time for reading

Reading for leisure can be enjoyed at your convenience, anytime, and anywhere. However, when it comes to reading for the purpose of enhancing your language skills, it necessitates concentration and dedicated study. Hence, planning your reading routine is essential.

A recommended approach is to allocate 15 minutes daily to engage in English reading. Locate a comfortable environment where you can fully immerse yourself in a book, article, or similar material without the risk of interruptions. To maximize the effectiveness of your reading, prepare in advance. For instance, have a pen, dictionary, and notepad on hand to jot down new words and expressions. Additionally, set your phone and other electronic devices to silent mode. By consistently performing these actions before each reading session, your brain will recognize that it’s time for practice, enabling you to maintain a higher level of focus.

Read English books, magazines, and articles

No matter your proficiency level in English, there’s a book suitable for your needs. If you’re seeking a compelling read, we’ve compiled a collection of timeless stories tailored for English learners. Alternatively, you can select a book that you’ve previously read in your native language. This way, you’re already acquainted with the storyline, allowing you to concentrate on the language.

Always bear in mind the golden rule – read books that genuinely interest you. Furthermore, opt for books that align with your current English proficiency level. If you’re looking to push your boundaries, consider selecting a book at a slightly higher level.

7 books you should read to improve your English

Change the language on your phone to English

During the act of reading, a multitude of intricate cognitive processes unfold within your brain. One of these processes involves linking meanings to the words you encounter.

Switching the language settings of your device to English represents a straightforward and beneficial method for vocabulary enhancement. Your mind will naturally absorb new words as it associates specific terms with the functions on your phone, tablet, or computer.

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English writing exercises

Expressing yourself through writing is a well-known method that can also enhance your English speaking abilities. Research indicates that using a pen and notepad can be an effective way to enhance your English writing skills. Consider attempting some of the exercises provided to boost your written English.

Create your vocabulary list

Regularly jot down unfamiliar words and phrases along with their definitions and helpful examples. Maintaining these words in your vocabulary will enhance your recall and improve your spelling skills.

If you’ve already compiled your own word list, utilize these words to craft a narrative. This is considered one of the finest fundamental exercises for practicing English grammar. It will assist you in constructing accurate sentences, expanding your word repertoire, and grasping their contextual usage.

Depending on the time at your disposal, aim to incorporate 10-15 words into your story. After completing your narrative, you can share it with your friends or engage in a one-on-one session with an English tutor, encouraging them to identify any errors you may have made.

Write comments in blogs

Engaging with blogs is a valuable method for enhancing your abilities, and it can serve as a great outlet for honing your writing skills as well. You don’t have to be a specialist to share your thoughts on a blog post – simply give it a shot!

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Do English grammar exercises online

When selecting English grammar exercises, opt for ones that provide clear and straightforward explanations of grammar rules. Consistent practice of grammar on a daily basis will boost your confidence and enable you to communicate and write in English effortlessly.

English listening exercises

Planning to go to work? Tune in to English songs. Engaged in room cleaning? Consider listening to an English podcast. Taking your dog for a walk? Stay updated with English news. You might wonder, “How can listening help me practice speaking?” However, there are numerous ways in which English listening exercises can effectively enhance your speaking skills. Here are some beneficial exercises to give a try.

Practice listening 

IThis exercise is simple yet highly important. Learning a language, even when you’re not actively studying, can be effectively achieved through passive listening. If your daily schedule is overwhelmingly busy and you struggle to find time for regular practice, consider using your free moments to listen to English music or audiobooks.

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Make the most of podcasts

Many language students are enthusiastic about podcasts, and there are numerous compelling reasons why podcasts can be a valuable tool for language learning. Surprisingly, research has indicated that listening to English can enhance learners’ pronunciation and speaking abilities.

Engaging with this kind of content allows you to hone your language skills and acquire valuable conversational openers related to your specific interests, be it arts, sports, politics, or communication. Additionally, there are dedicated podcasts designed for English learners. By listening attentively, you can also enhance your speaking precision. Begin to focus not only on the content but also on its delivery.

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Watch movies, TV shows, and news

A fun approach to experience authentic English is by beginning to watch movies or television series, like the excellent Netflix shows designed for English learners.

While it might be tempting to include subtitles in your native language, it’s best to avoid that. The reason is that you might find yourself reading the subtitles, which can divert your attention from the pronunciation of English words. Instead, opt for English subtitles. If you ever encounter difficulties, you can pause the show and search for vocabulary definitions.

Start practicing now

If you aim to enhance your English, these exercises are sure to be of great assistance. Some of these activities may require specific time allocations throughout the day, while others can be conveniently integrated into your daily routine. It’s beneficial to plan your time wisely, considering the specific skills you need to improve. By identifying your priorities, you can focus on the English exercises that will have the most significant impact on your proficiency. You also have the option to enroll in a beginner’s business English course or explore our various business English courses to find the one that suits you best.

Regardless of your native language, you have the potential to elevate your English proficiency to a native speaker’s level. So, why not begin practicing immediately?

For a highly effective practice experience, consider working with a dedicated one-on-one tutor. On platforms like Preply, you can take English lessons with professional tutors or even sign up for corporate English training to tailor your learning plan according to your current skill level and objectives. Rest assured that your tutor will provide a wide array of speaking exercises to enhance your language skills.

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Nilay Ozdemir

I am Nilay, an experienced English Language Assessment Director at the International English Test, where I have been working full-time since February 2020. I specialize in helping people worldwide validate their English proficiency through comprehensive assessments and certifications.

Before joining the International English Test, I worked as a self-employed English Language Assessment Consultant from January 2015 to December 2019. During this time, I assisted companies and individuals in improving their language skills, helping them achieve their academic and professional goals.

I hold a degree in Engineering and have also studied at Shafston International College in Australia. My educational background has equipped me with the tools to make a meaningful impact in the field of English language learning. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my expertise through articles that explore effective teaching methods and language assessment strategies, contributing to the International English Test and the broader assessment community.

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