Common Phrasal Verbs about Work

by | Last updated Dec 27, 2023 | English Learning

Explore work-related English phrasal verbs to enhance your speech and expand your vocabulary.

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Lay off

Definition: To terminate the employment of workers; (US) to discharge employees; (UK) to dismiss employees.
Example: They had to lay off workers.

Knuckle down

Definition: Cease distractions and concentrate on work.
Example: It’s time we knuckled down.

Hand in

Definition: To hand in or deliver completed work.
Example: He’s already handed in his report.

Carry out

Definition: Engage in work, carry out a job.
Example: The building work was carried out by a local contractor.

Take over

Definition: To receive; to assume control of something; when one company is assimilated by another company.
Example: Toshiba is taking over the smaller company.

Take on

Definition: To bring in new employees; to recruit.
Example:: We’re taking on new staff at the moment.

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Knock off

Definition: To conclude the workday.
Example: Let’s knock off early tonight.

Call off

Definition: To call off an event.
Example: She’s just called off the meeting.

Slack off

Definition: To exert less effort in work; to be indolent.
Example: Workers usually slack off on Fridays.

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