
Young Learners English Level Test


Welcome to our Young Learners English Level Test.

English Levels:

1. Young Learners Pre A1 Starters (0-34%)
2. Young Learners A1 Movers (35-69%)
3. Young Learners A2 Flyers (70-100%)


  • You have one attempt to take the quiz.
  • Please write your full name and email correctly to receive the results and certification in the beginning of the test.


A few things before you start:

  • This test consists of 34 questions in 3 categories: reading & writing and listening.
  • It will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.
  • You have one attempt to take the test.
  • The test is timed. A timer is shown per test or per question.
  • Be careful! You cannot go back once you make your choice.
  • Be aware the timer for the test will have already started.
  • Turn on your speakers or headphones (to play audio).
  • The result will be seen after completing the test. And a detailed report will be sent to your teacher's/manager's email.
  • We recommend completing the assessment in one go. You cannot take the test again.

Good luck!

User Verification

Please write your full name and email correctly to receive the results and certification.

1 / 34

Read the sentence and select yes or no.

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This is a fish.

2 / 34

Read the sentence and select yes or no.

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This is a house.

3 / 34

Read the sentence and select yes or no.

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These are grapes.

4 / 34

Look and read. Choose the Yes or No.

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The boys are wearing yellow t-shirts.

5 / 34

Look and read. Choose the Yes or No.

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The children are fishing in the sea.

6 / 34

Look at the picture. Look at the letters. Write the word.

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7 / 34

Look at the picture. Look at the letters. Write the word.

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8 / 34

Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5. There is one example.

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Look at this beautiful horse! It has four long (0) __legs__ (example) to walk and two big (1) to see. It has a long, brown (2) . Many (3)  love to ride horses!

Sometimes families even keep a horse as their pet. At the end of the (4) , they take care of the horse by cleaning it and giving it (5) to eat and water to drink. Horses love to munch on yummy apples and crunchy carrots!

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9 / 34

Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-word answers.

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1. Where is the spider? on Mum’s .

2. Where are the children? in the .

10 / 34

Listen and match the names.

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1. Grace

2. Alice

3. Bill

11 / 34

Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number.

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1. How many books has Pat got? 

2. What is the teacher’s name?

12 / 34

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them in the blank.

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1. You can use them to go up and down in a house.

2. A place with tall buildings, busy streets, and many people living close together.

3. They wear scrubs and help people in the hospital.

13 / 34

Read the text and choose the best answer.

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Ben: Did you watch the scary movie last night?

Jessica: _____________.

14 / 34

Read the text and choose the best answer.

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Monica: How about buying your brother a card about football?

Adam: _____________.

15 / 34

Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5. There is one example.

Tom loves learning about different places on Earth in his school (0)__library__. (example)

Last Tuesday, Tom's teacher told the class to find pictures of countries. 'Look on the (1) I told you about yesterday,' she said. 'Work with a friend. Choose a country with a famous landmark, but talk about your different (2) first.'

Tom worked with Maria. 'Italy is cool,' Maria said. 'Let's find a picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa! It looks like it's about to fall over!' 'Or France?' Tom asked. 'People are often (3) by the Eiffel Tower. It's so tall!'

'What about Australia?' Maria said. 'They have a big red rock called Uluru. You can see it for miles around! It's a great place to (4) .' Tom looked at Maria. 'Wow! I didn't know that,' he said. 'You're the (5) student in the class!'

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16 / 34

Now choose the best name for Tom's story.

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17 / 34

Read the text and select the best word to fill the blank.


next to

Monkeys live (0)  ____in____ (in/on/up) (example) the trees. They are part (1) (in / of / by) the primate family. They are smaller (2) (then / that / than) most other animals in that family. Unlike apes, monkeys have tails that are very long.

Monkeys are clever animals. They can learn things (3) (quick / quickly / quickest). Some monkeys live in dense rainforests, while others live in the dry savannas. They are very active and like to swing (4) (out / from / up) trees.

Monkeys eat a variety of plants such fruits, nuts, and leaves. Some monkeys even eat insects and small animals (5) (which / what / who) they can catch.

18 / 34

Read the text and answer the questions.

Sunshine and Sandcastles

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Diana's family lived in a busy city. Every Saturday, they packed a picnic basket and drove to the beach. "I love the smell of the salty air!" Diana's Dad said, taking a deep breath. "Me too!" Diana chimed in, "Can't wait to build sandcastles!"

They arrived at the beach and Diana raced towards the shore. She loved feeling the soft sand between her toes. Her Mom spread out the picnic blanket under a big, shady umbrella. "Let's build the biggest sandcastle ever!" Diana exclaimed, grabbing her bucket and shovel.

Suddenly, the sky turned dark. Strong winds blew, and big raindrops started falling. "Oh no!" Diana said, looking up at the storm clouds. "Looks like it's going to rain!" They quickly packed up their things and ran back to the car.

"Well, that was a short trip," Diana's Dad said, disappointed. "Don't worry, Dad," Diana smiled, "we can always come back next week and build an even bigger sandcastle!"


1. Diana's dad love the smell of the .

2. Daisy's mom spread the blanket under the .

3. Daisy said they could build a bigger next week.

19 / 34

Look and read and write.

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Complete the sentences.

1.The girl standing in front of the door is wearing a .
2.The brown dog splashes happily in the .

Answer the questions.

3. What’s the boy doing? He is .
4. Where is the pool? It is .

20 / 34

Listen and find the people. Write letters.

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1. Ben

2. Paul

3. Mary

21 / 34

Listen and write the correct word.

cute female doctor slim abstract figurine city hospital building background flat cartoon vector 1284 15242

1. Had to wash:  the in the morning

2. Number of work days every week:

3. Wore: blue

4. At work, Grandma had: lots of

22 / 34

Listen and write a letter in each box.

Mrs First is telling Paul about the people in her family. What are the people doing now?

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23 / 34

Listen and write the correct choice A, B or C.

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24 / 34

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them in the blank.

  • engine
  • sugar
  • journalist
  • calendar
  • dictionary

1. Don't know a word's meaning? No problem! You can find its definition and correct spelling in this.

2. It's a machine that takes one form of energy and converts it into another form.

3. They find news and interesting information to inform the public in a newspaper. 

4. It is a sweet thing you can put in tea or coffee to make them taste better.

5. This shows you the days, weeks, and months of the year. You can use it to plan your activities.

25 / 34

Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A–F) for each answer. You do not need to use all the letters.

Ben loves reading all kinds of books. Today, his mom is taking him to the library for the first time. Ben is full of questions!

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Ben: Wow, Mom, this place is huge!
Mom: ________G_______ (example)

Ben: Can I see all of them?

Ben: How do I borrow a book?

Mom: Excuse me, can you help my son borrow a book?

Librarian: What kind of books do you like, Ben?

Choose the right sentence.

A. Maybe, not this time!
B. I like stories about animals and adventures!
C. After I finish all my chores!
D. Of course! I'd be happy to help.
E. Not all at once, Ben! But you can choose a few to borrow today.
F. The librarian can help us here.
G. It is, Ben! There are so many books here.

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Read the story. Choose a word from the list. Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5.

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Words list: decided - key - packed - like - river - bigger - ready - tower - time

Kevin loved spending (0) ____time____ (example) with his family, but he also dreamed of going to a new school and making new friends. Last Tuesday, Kevin's family (1)  their car and drove to their new home. Kevin was nervous about leaving everything familiar behind. He sat quietly in the back seat, chewing on his lip.

When they finally reached the house, Kevin's mom handed his a small box. "Here you go, honey," he said. "Why don't you open the front door with this?"

Kevin's parents had (2)  to move because of Dad's new job.

Inside, the house was much (3) than their old apartment. From a window upstairs, Kevin could see a group of kids playing basketball in a nearby park. There were trees everywhere, and in the distance, a sparkling (4) flowed through a valley.

"I could play basketball with those kids," Kevin thought. "And maybe I can even explore the woods and learn about the different plants and animals. This place could be amazing!" There wasn't much green space near their old apartment building.

A smile spread across Kevin's face. "I think I'm going to (5) here!" he whispered to himself.

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Now choose the best name for Kevin's story.

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28 / 34

Read the text. Choose the right words and write them in the blanks.

The Dinosaurs

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Dinosaurs were incredible creatures that lived (0) ____on_____(on/to/in) (example) Earth millions (1) (of / on / in) years ago. They came in all shapes and sizes, from the enormous herbivores like Brachiosaurus to the fearsome predators like Tyrannosaurus Rex. Dinosaurs didn't have (2) (an / any / the) fur or feathers like many animals today.

Dinosaurs ruled the Earth (3) (for / until / at) over 160 million years. They lived in all parts of the world, (4) (from / of / in) the hot deserts to the cold, icy lands.

We know about dinosaurs because of fossils that scientists have (5) (created / discovered / begun). Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that have been (10) preserved in rock for millions of years. (6) (by / from / then) studying fossils, scientists can learn about the size, shape, and even what these amazing creatures used to eat!

Sadly, dinosaurs became extinct (7) (after / around / across) 66 million years ago. Scientists believe a giant asteroid hitting Earth may have caused a massive climate change that caused them to die out.

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Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.

Maya Explores the Pirate Ship

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Maya's class was learning about pirates in history! So, last week, their teacher, Ms. Jones, took them on a trip to explore an old pirate ship that had been preserved on the beach. They traveled by bus and stopped near the sandy shore. Ms. Jones pointed to the ship in the distance and explained, "There's no bridge to get on board, so we'll need to walk across the wet sand."

The children were a bit hot and tired after their walk, but Ms. Jones had cool water for everyone. It was exciting because Ms. Jones showed them all the different parts of the ship, like the captain's cabin and the hidden treasure chest! (Of course, it was empty!)

On the way back, Maya's friends suggested a race. "Let's see who can run back to the bus first!" they said. Maya and her friends started to run excitedly. "Wait!" Ms. Jones called out, "Be careful!" But Maya's friends were too busy racing. Suddenly, Maya tripped on a piece of driftwood and scraped her knee. It didn't seem serious, but it hurt and it was difficult to walk.


1. Ms Jones and the students went in a to see an old pirate ship.

2. The students walked across the wet sand because there was no to get on board.

3. Ms Jones gave everyone when they arrived at the ship.

4. When they were going back, Maya's friends wanted to have a .

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Read the diary and write the missing words. Write one word in each blank.

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Today was a lot (0) ____of___ (example) fun. Emma Stone, the renowned singer, visited us (1) our music class! Emma performs in some amazing concerts. Dad and I always enjoy (2) her live. She has (3) a singer since she was about 22. She spoke about her upcoming album, ‘Melodic Waves’, too. It will be in stores (4) month. She was very kind. When she departed, she gave our music teacher three 5 CDs of her albums (5) our teacher is going to play in music club.

31 / 34

Listen and write the letters.

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1. Richard

2. Sally

3. David

32 / 34

Listen and write the answer in the blank.

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1. Address: 12 Street

2. It’s near the:

3. Smaller bathroom is:

4. Garden has: a

33 / 34

Listen and write a letter in each box.

What did each person in Mr Salt’s family choose to buy in the new supermarket?

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34 / 34

Listen and answer.

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