English Verbs That You Need to “Survive”

by | Last updated Jan 2, 2024 | English Learning

This verb list is great for self-learners and those with basic English knowledge, focusing on commonly used verbs.

My goal is to furnish you with a compilation of essential English verbs for “survival,” focusing on the most common ones that form the foundation of the language.

For those in the early stages of learning English, this list will prove immensely beneficial. The verbs are presented in their natural (dictionary) form, as infinitives. While many verbs may have multiple meanings, I’ll provide only the primary or most common meaning for each word. If you’re curious about other definitions, you can consult a dictionary.

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Fundamental English Verbs

  •         Call
  •         Play
  •         Drive
  •         Travel
  •         Start
  •         Stop
  •         Need
  •         Cost
  •         Break
  •         Put
  •         Eat
  •         Sleep
  •         Drink
  •         Understand
  •         Write
  •         Read
  •         Speak
  •         Tell
  •         Have
  •         Do
  •         Make
  •         Get
  •         Take
  •         Try
  •         Know
  •         Think
  •         Feel
  •         See
  •         Give
  •         Bring
  •         Buy
  •         Meet
  •         Teach
  •         Learn
  •         Send
  •         Forget
  •         Dream
  •         Pay
  •         Sell
  •         Use
  •         Can
  •         Clean
  •         Help
  •         Run
  •         Cook
  •         Open
  •         Close
  •         Move
  •         Sing
  •         Swim
  •         Dance
  •         Work

Phrases in English Which You Need


  •         Do (your) best
  •         Get drunk
  •         Work hard
  •         Tell the time
  •         Start the car

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At times, when independently learning a language, it feels like your advancement hits a plateau. It becomes challenging to muster the motivation to study or comprehend the material.

During such phases, I recommend seeking a tutor who can guide your language development, steer you in the correct direction, and clarify any uncertainties you may have.

As Leonardo da Vinci wisely said, “Learning never exhausts the mind.”

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