Days of the Week in English [2024]

by | Last updated Aug 31, 2024 | English Learning

Do you want to plan a get-together, talk with friends about plans, talk confidently about ideas and projects for the future, or confirm the details of a job interview? If so, you’ll need to know the English names for the days of the week.
The day is one of the most important parts of time that we divide into, and we always call them by name. Without them, we can’t find ourselves or our plans in time, and we can’t share plans with other people in an effective way.

This article will show you how to spell, say, and use the days of the week, as well as how to understand and use them in real life. It will also show you some common but confusing English phrases that have to do with time vocabulary.

In 2024, mastering the days of the week in English is fundamental for effective communication and organization. Whether you’re scheduling appointments, planning activities, or simply engaging in daily conversations, understanding and using the correct terms for each day is essential. Here’s a straightforward guide to the days of the week in English:

Introducing the English days of the week

Weekdays Abbreviation Phonetics
Monday Mon. MUHN-day
Tuesday Tues. TYOOZ-day
Wednesday Wed. WENDZ-day
Thursday Thurs. THURZ-day
Friday Fri. FRY-day
Weekend Abbreviation Phonetic
Saturday Sat. SAT-uhr-day
Sunday Sun. SUHN-day
Related day words Meaning
Today This present day
Yesterday The day before today
Tomorrow The day after today

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How do you pronounce and spell the days of the week in English?

The pronunciations and spellings of English weekday names can seem confusing. This is because they originated from other languages, and are not pronounced as they are spelled.

english days week en 1

Notice that days of the week and weekdays and are NOT the same:

  • The days of the week are all 7 days from Monday to Sunday.
  • But weekdays are only the 5 days from Monday to Friday.
  • And the weekend is Saturday and Sunday.

How can I learn to say the days of the week in English?

The best way to learn the days of the week is to practice using them in real-life situations where the outcome of your conversation is intensely significant to you.

  • For example, explain to a family member which days you need your child picked up after school.
  • Send a message to a friend telling them when you need to be dropped at the airport next week.
  • Organize for someone to be home to sign for an Amazon delivery that is arriving next week.
  • Plan a playdate for your child with the neighbor’s children.


What are some handy English words and expressions I should also know?

The days of the week are surrounded by other words, phrases, and idioms.

Weekend – refers to Saturday and Sunday only, or to the two days that end the week.
Weekday – refers to any of the weekdays, but not the weekend.
Working week – refers to the traditional five days that we go to work: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Next week/ last week – refers to some point in the week following or preceding the current one.
In a week – refers to a time seven days into the future (when something will happen).
A day off – means a day spent away from work.
A sick day – means a day spent away from work because of illness.
One day next week – describes a relaxed and calm approach to an arduous situation or task.
Tomorrow – refers to the day after the current day. Thus any day can be ‘tomorrow’ because it always refers to the next day to arrive.
Weeknight – refers to any evening of any weekday, but not the weekend.
Weekly – refers to something that occurs every week.
Daily – refers to something that occurs every day.

FAQs for learning the days of the week in English

How do you pronounce days?

The word days is pronounced as /dAYz/ or dayz.

Do days of the week get capitalized in English?

Days of the week are always capitalized in English.

How do you abbreviate days of the week in English?

Common abbreviations of the weekdays in English include:

Monday Mon M
Tuesday Tues Tue
Wednesday Wed W
Thursday Thurs T
Friday Fri F
Saturday Sat S
Sunday Sun S

How do you pluralize the days of the week in English?

Each of the weekdays in English is pluralized by adding an s to the end of each word:

  1. Mondays are always difficult.
  2. Tuesdays are always fun.
  3. On each of the Wednesdays that the visitors are here, we’ll all bring morning tea.
  4. Please avoid Thursdays, as the car park will be full.
  5. Fridays are the best day of the week.
  6. I don’t like Saturdays at the gym – it’s too crowded.
  7. On Sundays, wear your best clothes.

Where did the names of the week in English come from?

The names of the weekdays in English have lunar origins:

  • Monday comes from dies Lunae (in Latin), which means Moon’s Day
  • Tuesday comes from the Nordic God’s day, or Tiw’s day
  • Wednesday, or Wōdnesdæg, means the day of Odin
  • Thursday is named after the Norse God, Thor, and means Thor’s day
  • Friday, or day of Frigg, is named after the Norse goddess Frigg.
  • Saturday is named after the planet Saturn, and means day of Saturn
  • Sunday is named after a star (the sun), and means day of the sun

What is the meaning of the following expressions?

  • These days – right now or currently
  • That will be the day – that will never happen
  • I can’t wait till that day – I’m looking forward to when that happens
  • You’re going to get it one day – you are asking for trouble
  • Thank God it’s Friday – I’m glad the week is nearly over
  • Monday blues – I’m feeling down because it’s Monday
  • Tomorrow never comes – Anything you plan for “tomorrow” will never happen

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Nilay Ozdemir

I am Nilay, an experienced English Language Assessment Director at the International English Test, where I have been working full-time since February 2020. I specialize in helping people worldwide validate their English proficiency through comprehensive assessments and certifications.

Before joining the International English Test, I worked as a self-employed English Language Assessment Consultant from January 2015 to December 2019. During this time, I assisted companies and individuals in improving their language skills, helping them achieve their academic and professional goals.

I hold a degree in Engineering and have also studied at Shafston International College in Australia. My educational background has equipped me with the tools to make a meaningful impact in the field of English language learning. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my expertise through articles that explore effective teaching methods and language assessment strategies, contributing to the International English Test and the broader assessment community.

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